Vitamínico - Inyectable
Vitamina B12 50 mg.
Excip. c.s.p. 50 ml.
PRESENTACION: Frasco ampolla conteniendo 50ml.
INDICACIONES: Coadyuvante en el tratamiento de cualquier tipo de anemias (parasitarias, hemorrágicas, post-parto, preñez, etc), neuritis, afecciones hepáticas, diarreas crónicas, tratamientos prolongados con antibióticos, tratamientos con bloqueantes H2. (Ranitidina).
DOSIFICACION: La dosis en equinos adultos es de 10 ml por día, o sea 10 mg totales durante 5 a 10 días, salvo indicación del profesional a cargo.
En potrillos se administra la mitad de la dosis.
ADMINISTRACION: Preferentemente vía endovenosa, eventualmente vía intramuscular.
Intervalo entre dosis: 24 hs.
Destinado a equinos deportivos. En ningún caso debe ser administrado a animales cuyo destino final pudiera ser el consumo alimentario humano.
Conservar entre 5 y 25°C al abrigo de la luz solar directa y la humedad.
CENTRO NACIONAL DE INTOXICACIONES: 0800-333-0160 – Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.
Certificado N° 05-015
Uso en medicina veterinaria.
Industria Argentina.
Injectable vitamin
Vitamin B12 50 mg
Excipients q.s. 50 ml
PRESENTATION: 50mL amber vials
INDICATIONS: Coadjutor in the treatment of any kind of anemia (parasitic, hemorrhagic, postpartum, pregnancy, etc.) neuritis, liver diseases, chronic diarrhea, long treatments with antibiotics, treatments with H2 blockers (Ranitidine).
When the acting professional considers it necessary to indicate a supplement due to a deficit in vitamin B12, taking into account that the requirements of this vitamin increases during growth, the last stage of pregnancy, lactation and work; in case of lack of food or when, for any reason, the horse stays more than 3 days without intakes.
DOSAGE: The dose in adult equines is 10 ml per day, that is, a total of 10 mg during 5 to 10 days, except otherwise indicated by the professional in charge.
In foals, half the dose must be administered.
ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: Preferably via intravenous route; eventually, via intramuscular route. Interval between doses: 24 hs.
LENGTH OF THE TREATMENT: between 5 and 10 days, according to the criteria of the professional in charge.
CONTRAINDICATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF USE: Do not administer in case of hypersensitivity to the active principle. Do not administer concurrently with Chloramphenicol antibiotic, since it may interfere with the erythrocytes’ maturation, therefore, patients with pernicious anemia may show a diminished response to vitamin B12.
PRECAUTIONS: Use a sterile needle and syringe and make an appropriate asepsis of the application site. The intravenous injection must be slowly applied.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Store between 5 and 25°C, protected from direct sunlight exposure and humidity.
SENASA Certificate N° 05-015
For Use in Veterinary Medicine
Made in Argentina